29 de junio de 2007

English practice

Hello everybody. Like you know, i'm taking an english class because i'm a dork when i have to express myself in the Shakespeare's language.

It's friday night and i'm dead. I've been working all week and it's been really hard because i'm a slave, and not one like Britney Spears.

Did you know that the Spice Girls are back? It's horrible. First Kathy Belli wins "Singing for a dream" and now we have that. And they are gonna close their tour
in Argentina. It's the first time that i don't feel envy for the artists that don't come to Chile and plays in River Plate's stadium.

Talking about plays, playing and games, i have to say something about this Saint John's little summer. I've been in heaven. Today was beautiful. I could walk for Ahumada feeling water getting away from my body (god, i don't know how to say "transpirar", i had to make toyo). Anyway. I want to live in a city where summer would be eternally. Like Miami, but with intelligent life. It's hard.

Well. I'm watching one of my favorites TV series: Two and a half men. I'm in bed (because i'm dead, i can't move any part of me, but the fingers), and enjoying be relaxed.

I think i became a grandma.

***Se aceptan correcciones.

4 comentarios:

patricio mujica dijo...

It's been quite an experience to come here and read my dear Luisi's words... in English! I must congratulate you because it seems you have learned a lot and this text is a big piece of evidence.

There are a couple of mistakes, though, that I feel obliged to mention, so you don't fail again with them:

- «Like you know...» The way you should say this is: «As you know...». Both words («like» and «as» are "como" in Spanish, but in English "like" is used to make comparisons between two or more subjects, rather than as an adverb. The right way to say "como" in an adverbial mode is "As" in the beginning of the sentence.

- «...myself in the Shakespeare's language». You should remove the article because in English, when referring to a subject you mention it directly. That's a law in most anglosaxon-derived languages.

- «First Kathy Belli wins...». The word is belly, with a final "y". =)

- «(god, i don't know how to say "transpirar", i had to make toyo)». The english word for "transpirar" is to sweat (remember, in English infinitives are mentioned after the preposition "to"). And a good equivalence for "toyo" would be "to bluff", just like you do in card games.

- «...where summer would be eternally.» You should use the adjective "eternal" instead of the adverb built from it by adding the "-ly" suffix. Just a matter of two letters. =)

- «...enjoying be relaxed». You should say "being relaxed", because in English the subject derived from a verb in infinitive is the gerund of the same verb. What you actually wrote is the imperative form of the verb "to be", so one might interpret that you enjoy forcing people to be relaxed, not being relaxed yourself. =D

One more thing: you are not becoming a grandma.

Congratulations, dear! Keep up the good work!

One big kiss for you.

Tomás dijo...


El Pato no más podía poner un post en inglés, tan esperable.

Lo único que se le fue a Don Pato es que usted puso un "plays" donde va en "play"

"It's the first time that i don't feel envy for the artists that don't come to Chile and plays in River Plate's stadium."

Mis congrapeneciones más personales para usted.

Y sí, tengo que estar de acuerdo, este veranito de San Juan ha sido in-cre-dible. No lo puedo creder.

Tomás dijo...

*donde va un "play"

patricio mujica dijo...

Oj corsé que lo tenía que hacer en inglés, pos. Si no, no tiene gracia, jojojojo.

Es verdad: no vi el plays en esa frase. Gracias, amigo Tom.

Pero desgraciadamente no puedo estar de acuerdo con ustedes acerca del veranito de San Juan. No por el clima, que ha sido buenísimo, sino porque la vida académica me ha reducido a la mínima expresión. Y eso que ya se acabaron las clases.

Crédalo nomás.


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